How far has the US come, and how far do they have to go? Who were the cultural icons during these periods and how did they influence the masses? Compare Canada’s progress to that of the United States. Social Studies: Spanning a timeline of thirty to forty years, depict Canada and its cultural identity, showing how it has supported gay rights over the past few decades.Use aspects of theatre and performance to convey important themes in an expedient manner. Language Arts: Author a creative short news segment that features a series of current world events.
How can Mac-based technology promote student self expression through collaborative learning? Thinking about our overarching theme for the year, which is social alienation and the social construction of self/other, how can we use the lens of compassion to decrease alienation and increase the sense of our oneness?
How do the students feel about the institution of marriage? Students visited Engagement in English Bay to inquire into the following questions: What does this image invoke in the students? What images or ideas come to mind? What kinds of assumptions do the students make when engaging in a discourse around the exhibit.