I first met him via Zoom and was instantly attracted. We’ve been seeing each other for about six months. The mornings are always a crunch but so worth the chaos. I take a long, hot shower, then head to work on the subway.ġ0:30 a.m. Plus, my boyfriend always hands me a couple hundred-dollar bills on my way out, and it’s nice to have cash to spend.ĩ a.m. Nevertheless, I slither out of his building, past the doormen, and into the street to hail a taxi.Ĩ:15 a.m. It’s not like my colleagues are going to spot me on the Upper East Side. So when I sneak out of his house in the morning, I’m stupidly paranoid. I work in biotech, and he used to be a client at my job - he was someone with a lot of money who hired my team for a project. No one at work knows about my “boyfriend.” We haven’t officially used that term around each other, but I call him that to myself and my friends.
This week, a woman sneaks around with a work contact who everyone says is wrong for her but whom she may be in love with: 31, in a relationship, Brooklyn.Ĩ a.m.